Yes, I haven’t written in over a year. Normally, I could say, oh well, not much happened, but of course, I skipped 2020. The year from hell. I can’t remember wishing as hard that a year would end. The end of Trump’s administration, or at least the countdown to it. And this was before the terror of January 6.
Then there was the Pandemic, and Covid remains with us of course. But in March and April the growing reality of an illness beyond control of an entire planet felt like a movie, not, well, real. Like many experiences, Covid happened in waves, each stranger than the next. I laughed when I saw bare shelves in Target. People always panic and then the shelves fill up again.
You know what happened next. I had to buy a mask to go to Target and wait for one (1) package of toilet paper. It was difficult to find masks. I ordered some online. Advice on mask-wearing changed from day-to-day. Mostly I stayed home to watch the horror movie unfolding on television. Unfortunately, it was CNN. New York was loading bodies onto trucks. Our grinning President told us that everything was under control when clearly it wasn’t. The man who never wore a mask got sick himself. We’ll never know how sick because his doctor appeared to lie, and Trump received the kind of care the rest of the world can only dream of.
I say the rest of the world for a reason. Covid was and is a worldwide problem. Americans are notoriously isolationist. We try hard to keep everyone and everything out. Trump said with great pride that he closed the borders at the start of the pandemic to save us. But it was already here. Covid travels through the air. There are a number of things that can’t be stopped by physical borders and Covid is one of them.
As the year went on, I started to think about people in other countries, and how they might cope. I haven’t travelled much, but I know countries treat health care differently. Some places have state care. But if the people you love are sick, desperately sick, you want to do something. The whole world was like that in 2020. It was a small world.